Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Social Net'g

Social media networking has many uses today such as creating and maintaining relationships, communicating with family and friends that are literally across the world. In a New York Times story, titled, "Brave New World of Digital Intimacy", Clive Thompson, wrote about how Facebook allows users to feel "as if they've never actually been apart." Also, companies use social media sites to promote their products, and law enforcement uses social media networking sites to help solve crimes. Some of the benefits to society is that it is little to no cost, and allows people from all economic backgrounds access to information.

However, there is a dark side to social media networking. There have been many cases of people that commit suicide because of internet bullying. The Chronicle for Higher Education published an article written by Jeffery R. Young, titled, "They're back and They're Bad:Campus Gossip Websites," that covers the impact of these sites on students and overall internet shaming. Child predators and other criminals can also be found lurking on social media.

We're seeing the evolution of social media now as it's being incorporated in the classroom, and technologies are being created to further advance social media. I foresee having access to social media sites on airplanes in a similar fashion to how the television on a plane is the norm.

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